At this time in this nation’s history, we are more vulnerable politically than ever before due to a perceived rampant pandemic, civil unrest due to socio-economic imbalances and social infighting among our two-party government leaders and constituents alike. It would be very easy for a rogue state like North Korea or Iran to launch a nuke from a merchant ship overhead and We the People would have no idea anything was wrong until minutes after the detonation. Further, superpowers like Russia and China could be tempted to use our political weaknesses against us and launch an EMP strike, followed by a physical invasion on American soil.
With the current conflict in today’s society, it would be a matter of days before total civil war broke out once the populace realized the major inconvenience of not having electricity, running water, sewer, completely broken supply chains and no means of contacting emergency services to quell the widespread social upheaval that would take place … and not just in the major cities either. Americans have armed themselves because they fear social unrest. What a better way to cause a civil war than to take away something everyone has become accustomed to rely on: electricity.
EMP comes in 3 components: E1, E2 and E3.
E1, the first component, is a free-field energy pulse that basically creates an electromagnetic shock that occurs within a fraction of a billionth to a few billionths of a second, disrupting and damaging electronics-based control systems, sensors, communication systems, protective systems, computers, vehicle computer systems and cell phones over a very large area depending on the detonation altitude.
E2, the second component, is a subsequent, middle-time, slower-rising, longer-duration pulse that creates disruptive currents in long electricity transmission lines, resulting in damage to electrical supply and distribution systems that are connected to them. E2 would in essence, cripple the grid itself, much the same as a lightning strike knocking out a power substation.
E3, the third component, is a subsequent, slower-rising, longer-duration pulse that creates disruptive currents in long electricity transmission lines, wreaking further havoc on all of the interconnectivity within the power grid.
There have been at least 30 reports generated by various branches of government, along with think tank opinions and study group documents, all of which basically say … the U.S. government, despite the warnings, has done little to prepare itself for an EMP attack that just isn’t a matter of “IF” … but “WHEN”.
Many of these reports encourage the various government agencies, especially the Department of Homeland Security, to make the general public aware of the EMP catastrophic scenarios and to encourage direct participation of Americans to take action to prepare for such an eventuality. When’s the last time you’ve heard anything about EMP from the government or the media?
An EMP attack would be just the revenge a rogue state could use to send this country back into the Dark Ages. Our government hasn’t even gotten to the point of mandating the reinforcement of the various power grids. It has basically assembled research groups tasked with ways of stopping potential attacks … not actually preparing for the results of an EMP attack.
The most recent official publication that involves EMP issues was found in the Federal Register under Executive Order 13865 (March 26, 2019), signed by President Donald J. Trump, entitled, Coordinating National Resilience to Electromagnetic Pulses. While this Executive Order outlines the purpose and definitions of EMP, the policies invoked are reactive based on gathered intelligence on the behaviors of those who would send America back into the Dark Ages as to protecting the Government’s ability to operate efficiently. Nothing in this Executive Order does anything to protect We the People from being able to survive in a world without power.
Thus, to date, there are no real infrastructure protections to stop another country with advanced nuclear technology from taking out America’s power grid by stealth. It is estimated that 3 out of 4 people will die within one (1) year after a full-scale EMP assault due to starvation and civil unrest.
While the science community has published numerous papers describing the aftereffects of an EMP assault, the research and development of any measures to prevent and thwart an EMP event are still sorely lacking.
The U.S. Government has understood for over two decades that an EMP attack is not a matter of “if”, but “when” and still has not done enough to prevent a complete societal upheaval if the worst should happen.
Given the foregoing definitions described here, if the unthinkable happens, here’s what you can expect to occur:
There is new technology on the market right now that is available for homeowners to protect their own “grid”, whether it be for off-grid solar power, whole-house generator power or simply anything connected to your home’s circuit panel, which is very inexpensive to purchase and install. While every effort is being made to facilitate protective measures within the individual power companies who are still “short of the goal” when it comes to protecting their customers’ supply of electricity, you still have time to take action and prevent all of your assets that operate using electric current from being “fried” in the event of an EMP assault, whether it be from solar flares, coronal mass ejections, lightning strikes or the unthinkable attack from an enemy that can get access to that destructive technology and use it.
Obviously, there’s much more than just loading up on provisions and essential goods in anticipation of a negative social event occurring when the power goes out.
Contact DK Consultants of Florida at (512) 718-9604 today, or you can email us at DKCFL@protonmail.com for more information and our checklist of THINGS YOU CAN DO TO PREPARE FOR AN EMP EVENT. We’ll send you this checklist FREE OF CHARGE via email.
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